Tuesday 13 March 2012

Week Two.

Sketchbook Inspiration.

Embody; Edifice

Draft SketchUp Model Number 2.

This is the second model I have developed using a new Section Drawing from Week 1. The Model is based on the selected works by Stelarc and Ai Weiwei and I have tried to create spaces which reflect the artists works and their lives. The top space is intended for Stelarc's Workshop and reflects the outstretched arm which forms the basis for his 'Ear on Arm Performance'. The Bottom Space is intended to be for Ai Weiwei's 'Template' and is representative of the artist being an outcast of the arting world. Ai Weiwei is often looked upon as a sort of 'black sheep' and thus I have decided to literally bury his workspace under the ground and create an architecture which is in ways representative of a jail cell with its thick vertical columns and double glazed walls allowing visual but not physical interaction with the outside world.


Verb Artist 1; Noun Artist 2

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