Tuesday 6 March 2012

Week One.

18 Sketches.

Descriptions read clockwise from top left

 Human, Contorted; Bare, Contorted; Embody, Contorted; Human, Unforeseen.

Bare, Edifice; Human, Edifice; Embody, Unforeseen; Human, Unforeseen.

Embody, Edifice; Unforeseen, Embody; Unforeseen, Bare; Unforeseen, Human.

Contorted, Bare; Contorted, Human; Contorted, Embody; Edifice, Bare.

Edifice, Embody; Edifice, Human.

Sketchbook Inspiration.

Adjective- Artist 1: Bare
Noun- Artist 2: Edifice

SketchUp Model Screenshots.

I imagine the building to be constructed of precast concrete with large double glazed glass panels at the front and rear. The building has been inspired by the word 'bare' and therefore is a simplistic structure which is comprised of mostly straight and angular lines. There are no eccentric protrusions in the design aside from the 'stacked' column which provides an artistic feature at the rear. The idea is that high use of glass, as well as the 'tunnel' style structure allow the building to feel both open and enclosed, and encourage travel and flow within the structure; this is not a place for lingering, but rather a place of continual movement.


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